Monday, November 17, 2014

A Meeting with Patchwork France

When I first moved to France, almost immediately, I joined Patchwork France. Talk about a first scary meeting as my French skills were almost non-existent. As the token native English speaker in this group, I was greeted with open arms and was made to feel like they wanted me back. After being a member for several years I had to drop out because the meetings for 2 solid years were on weekends I was not in town. 

This last weekend there was a meeting and I was invited to come. I am glad I did. Each meeting involves a project and the projects are always handwork and most of the time are something fun. Here is the project we did this past weekend:

We were given a number of designs to choose from and in three sizes. Starting with the largest of the three, I decided on the snowman. The method we used for embroidery was whatever we wanted to do so I spent most of the day playing with the embroidery thread.
This is as far as I got on this one. I had time to start embroidering the second one before our time was done.

Members bring show and tell to hang on the walls and here are a couple of my favorites:

I love lace on quilts and I like Christmas based things as well.

This Patchwork France group does a lot of traditional types of quilts. 

Lastly, years ago there was a Patchwork France backed hand quilt. We were all asked to make a block of a certain size with an applique of our hand on it. We were to personalize it anyway we wanted to. Here was my submission. It was in the show in Alsace, Sainte Marie aux Mines. I gave up thinking I would ever get it back. At the meeting they handed them out to those of us who made one. What a nice surprise!

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